Details of how our services are operating over the festive period, including registration offices, social work services and bin collections.
How we support people to live independently and safely in their own homes
Our support-at-home service is one way we help people live independently. The service depends on the person's individual needs and takes account of the other resources available. These services are provided in your home.
If you are referred for a home support service
First, you will have an assessment to determine what you need support with, you can ask for an assessment by using the online contact form or calling your local social work office.
The best way that we can assess you is to work closely with you in your home to explore what you can do for yourself. We will involve your family and other natural supports to help us to assess what you need help with to increase your independence.
We use a reablement approach, which means that a small team of support workers will provide a wide range of personal and practical support to help you re-learn or regain skills and confidence.
The team will work with you for four to twelve weeks. At the end of this period of support, we will carry out a review to determine whether or not longer-term support is required.
For more information
Contact your local social work office.
Out-of-hours service
When does the service operate?
Monday to Friday, 7pm to 7am
Saturday, Sundays, and public holidays, 24-hour service
If you require to contact the Out of hours service please call 0300 555 0408