At Palacerigg Country Park, a programme of consultation carried out last year found that improved facilities, a major outdoor play attraction, a new gateway at Glencryan, extended car parking and paths, and the promotion of third sector and private sector opportunities were the key priorities. We have already started work on some of these elements.
At Drumpellier Country Park, the council is a key partner in the Seven Lochs Wetland Partnership, which agreed a masterplan and was awarded heritage lottery funding in 2016. The Seven Lochs project aims to create a new wetland park of national significance. The project has already delivered a new visitor gateway, including the crannog-themed play area, and restored habitats with new and improved trails and peatland restoration.
Consultation at Strathclyde Country Park started in February 2019. The proposals coming from the consultation represent a major investment and include wildlife enhancement, water quality improvement, access improvements and an artists' strategy running through all new buildings and outdoor sculptures.
Some of the flagship details include:
- a lagoon area including a new outdoor centre with a bridge forming a walkway across the loch
- a new gateway at Bellshill featuring bike tracks and a velo park
- artist installations on the south shore