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Festive holiday arrangements

Details of how our services are operating over the festive period, including registration offices, social work services and bin collections.

Protocol for planning application hearings

Where one of the identified circumstances set out below is met, the Committee will agree to a request for a hearing:

  • Where an application is recommended for approval, and it is contrary to the development plan, and there have been six or more objections on valid planning grounds from separate households.
  • Where an application is recommended for approval, and it is contrary to the development plan, and there has been an objection by a community council on valid planning grounds.
  • Where an application that is in accordance with the development plan is recommended for approval, but there have been six or more objections, and/or an objection from a Community Council, on valid planning grounds, and a consultee has objected.

If you are making a comment on an application that is being decided by Committee, you can request that your comments be heard in person.

The decision to grant you a hearing will be decided by the Committee rather than the planning service. If your request for a hearing is agreed, you will be expected to attend and you will be asked to confirm in writing that you will attend. 

Applications recommended for refusal will not be the subject of hearings as the applicant has a right of appeal to the Scottish Ministers.

If permission is granted, you don’t have any right to appeal. However if you don’t think we followed the correct process in deciding the outcome of an application you can follow our complaints procedure.

Page last updated:
02 Aug 2021

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