Volunteer NL has some fantastic opportunities for organisations to take part in 'Employer Supported Volunteering' projects.
These opportunities enable staff to volunteer for the first time or create an opportunity they wouldn’t otherwise have had..
Joanna Kingsley of North Lanarkshire Council’s Volunteer NL programme explained: “Volunteering can provide skills development and increased motivation for employees when they return to work, as well as contributing to individual well-being.
“It’s a great way for employees to find out what’s going on in their local community.
“And it enables employers to encourage employees to build partnerships in the local community by giving time and practical support to help address local needs.”
The contribution made by organisations that participate in Employee Supported Volunteering can make an invaluable difference to local community projects in both the short and in the long term.
For further information email: VolunteerNL@northlan.gov.uk