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East Airdrie Link Road - Frequently asked questions

What is the East Airdrie Link Road?

What will the East Airdrie Link Road deliver?

A new single-carriageway road link to the east of Airdrie and a new walking and cycling route will be created between Calderbank/Chapelhall and Riggend.

What is the reason for the new road?

There is a need to improve north/south transport links through North Lanarkshire to the north of the M8. The new route will also promote economic regeneration as part of the wider Pan Lanarkshire Orbital Transport Corridor.

How will the Airdrie area benefit?

Traffic congestion will be reduced on the A73 between Chapelhall and Riggend, by providing an alternative route for through traffic. It will also create opportunities for public transport, cycling and walking improvements on the existing road.

How will North Lanarkshire benefit?

Connections between communities in North Lanarkshire will be improved. This will help link residential areas better to employment, training and education opportunities. It will also encourage businesses to locate here and help existing businesses to grow.

Where will the funding come from?

The Glasgow City Region City Deal will provide the funding. This is a regional infrastructure investment programme, funded by the UK and Scottish Governments. We are a member authority of the City Deal. Further information is available on the Glasgow City Region website.

Could the funding be spent on something else?

The funding from the Glasgow City Region City Deal is an external grant and cannot be spent on other projects or services we provide.

How can I comment on the proposals?

Public events will be held at the main stages of the project to inform local people of progress and provide opportunities to view the plans and provide feedback. We will keep you updated on upcoming information and consultation events.

How can I keep informed of updates?

Sign up to email alerts.

What approvals are needed?

Will planning permission be required?

Yes, planning permission is required for the new road.

When will a planning application be submitted?

A planning application will be submitted in late 2023.

What notification will be carried out for the Planning Application?

Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) with local communities will be carried out before the planning application is submitted. This will be advertised in local newspapers and local facilities.

Once the planning application has been submitted, neighbours within 20 metres of the application boundary will receive a neighbour notification. Landowners will also be notified.

What other approvals are needed?

A Business Case needs to be approved by the Glasgow City Region City Deal to secure the funding.

What is the timescale for the work being done?

What are the main project stages?

  • The initial stage (referred to as Stages 1 and Stage 2) is an options appraisal which will identify the preferred option.
  • The next stage is detailed design of the preferred option.
  • A business case will be submitted during the detailed design stage to the Glasgow City Region City Deal.
  • Approval of the business case is needed to secure the funding.
  • A planning application will then be submitted.
  • If planning permission is granted, tenders will be issued and a contractor will be appointed to build the new road.

When will the work start?

It is aimed that work on building the new road will start in autumn 2025.

When will the new road open?

It is aimed that the new road will be open in Winter 2027.

How will the new road affect traffic?

How will traffic in my community be affected?

The new road will provide an alternative route east of Airdrie for through traffic. This will reduce traffic levels on the existing A73 through Airdrie and Chapelhall. A new junction will be needed at the A89 between Clarkston and Plains.

How will the new road affect journey times?

The new road will reduce journey times between Cumbernauld, the M8 and Motherwell via Airdrie for both through traffic and local traffic due to less traffic congestion. Journey times will also be more reliable.

How will the new road affect public transport and active travel?

Will new bus services be provided on the new road?

The new road will provide opportunities for new north/south bus services to connect communities both within the Airdrie area and within North Lanarkshire. We are not able to provide new bus services however it is hoped that bus companies will create new routes and services.

Will bus improvements be made on the existing road?

The new road will provide opportunities to improve bus facilities on the existing road through Airdrie and Chapelhall. This will need additional funding and we intend to work with others to identify funding opportunities.

Will new cycle routes be provided?

A new off-road pedestrian and cycle route will be provided between Calderbank/Chapelhall and Riggend. This will connect to existing walking and cycling routes where possible.

Will there be improvements for walking and cycling on the existing road?

The new road will provide opportunities to improve walking and cycling facilities on the existing road through Airdrie and Chapelhall. This will need additional funding and we will work with others to identify funding opportunities.

How will the new road affect the environment?

Will carbon emissions be increased?

  • The new route will reduce traffic congestion on the A73 through Airdrie and Chapelhall by creating an alternative, faster route for through traffic.
  • Road traffic emissions will be reduced from slow-moving and queuing traffic.
  • The new route will provide opportunities for public transport and active travel improvements both on the new route and on existing roads.
  • More people will be encouraged to use sustainable transport options. 
  • The impact on carbon emissions will be modelled during the design process.
  • Results of modelling will be taken into account for both design and construction.

Will the new road lead to more development in the Airdrie area?

Will the road mean housing development ?

The purpose of the new route is to reduce traffic congestion and improve journey times by providing an alternative route for through traffic.

It will not be designed to facilitate new housing developments and will only have a small number of junctions.

Will more jobs and businesses come into the local area?

The new road will improve connections between communities in North Lanarkshire and improve access from the Airdrie area to the motorway network. This will encourage businesses to locate here and help existing businesses to grow.

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Page last updated:
25 Nov 2022

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