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Report Anti-Social Behaviour

The term "antisocial behaviour" covers any behaviour that would cause a nuisance, unreasonable disturbance or harassment. It may include, but is not limited to the following: noise disturbances (such as loud music, noisy parties, shouting etc); harassment; racial harassment; violence or threats of violence; verbal abuse; vandalism and graffiti and drug dealing. It can also include more serious criminal behaviour or activity.

There are some types of behaviour that we do not class as antisocial and therefore may not be investigated by our officers as antisocial behaviour. Examples include children playing in the street or communal areas-unless they are causing damage to property; young people gathering socially-unless they are swearing and intimidating to individuals or being unable to park outside your home.

If you do not wish to receive updates complete this form anonymously.

Before you start

Do not use this form:

  • If criminal damage has occurred, this should be reported to the police on 101.
  • If you feel you are at risk from another person(s), contact the police.
  • If the risk of harm is immediate or it is an emergency, call 999 immediately.
  • If the incident is occurring right now, we advise you to call us immediately on 0300 123 1382.'