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An independent report carried out by Audit Scotland on behalf of the Accounts Commission has commended North Lanarkshire Council’s clear and ambitious vision.

9:18am - 11 December 2023

Its your place launch with vaping litter

“Let’s work together”, that’s the message for residents and businesses to work with the council to help keep North Lanarkshire clean and safe for everyone.

11:54am - 8 December 2023

KSB community work graphic

Community groups and projects across North Lanarkshire have been commended for their work to improve their neighbourhoods.

9:19am - 8 December 2023

Air Source Heat pump

We have taken a significant step towards a sustainable and energy-efficient future with the approval of our Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and Delivery Plan. The strategy, aims to help tackle fuel poverty, using an area-based approach to decarbonise and enhance energy efficiency across local properties.

6:47pm - 7 December 2023

Milton Court Heating Systems

Tenants living in Milton Court, Airdrie are enjoying warmer homes after a comprehensive upgrade of their heating systems.

5:12pm - 7 December 2023

Page last updated:
19 Dec 2023

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