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Bats aren’t blind, but at night their ears are more important than their eyes.

As they fly they let out sharp calls which are normally too high-pitched for the human ear to hear. The returning echoes give the bats information about anything that is ahead of them, including the size and shape of an insect and which way it is going.

This system is called echolocation - locating things by their echoes.


Top 10 facts

  1. All bat species in Scotland use echolocation to navigate and hunt for insects in the dark.
  2. Bats are the only true flying mammals in the world.
  3. A tiny pipistrelle bat can eat up to 3,000 insects in a night. Including a lot of midges!
  4. Over 500 species of plants rely on bats to pollinate them, they have even specially adapted themselves to attract bats. Things we get from bat-adapted plants include dates, vanilla, bananas, Tequila and chewing gum!
  5. Did you know that bats are more closely related to humans than they are to mice?
  6. The majority of the world's bats eat insects - just like our bats in Strathclyde Country Park. In the tropics bats also eat foods like fruit, flowers, frogs, fish, blood and even other bats.
  7. Bats usually only have one baby a year and can live for up to 30 years
  8. Young bats begin to catch insects in flight, all on their own at only six weeks old!
  9. Bats make up a third of all mammal species in the UK.
  10. Many species of bat can be identified by their distinct calls made when hunting. To do this, you need to get yourself a bat-detector which can pick-up the high-pitched calls.

The Countryside Ranger Service often lead walks where bat detectors are used.

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Page last updated:
01 Aug 2024

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