All private landlords letting residential property in Scotland must register in the Register of Landlords.
This registration scheme is there to make sure that all private landlords in Scotland are 'fit and proper' to let residential property. This will protect tenants and their neighbours from the impact of antisocial behaviour and mismanaged property.
You are committing an offence if you fail to register or submit a valid application before you let or advertise for let residential property. This is a legal requirement of the Antisocial Behaviour etc (Scotland) Act 2004.
Good landlords have nothing to fear from registration. Registration will help local authorities to remove disreputable landlords from the market. This will remove the unfair competition of landlords who provide poor housing or inadequate management.
Registration is simple and can be done online at the landlord registration website.
For more information on landlord registration across Scotland please visit the Shelter Scotland website.
Landlord registration fees are set and adjusted by the government. Each year the fees are adjusted in line with customer price indexes in the previous year. This means that fee's generally go up each year at the beginning of the fiscal year in April. The current fee's and the new fees are shown in the table below;
Landlord Register
Financial year | Two or more local authorities (Fee per authority) | Single Local Authority (principal fee) | Per property | Late application |
2025-26 From 1 April 2025 | £41 | £82 | £19 | £164 |
Previous Fees 2024-2025 | £40 | £80 | £18 | £160 |