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Use this form to report sexual harassment or inappropriate behaviour from council employees or third parties.
The council takes this type of complaint seriously. There is support available for anyone who has experienced any type of harassment. The council understands that not everyone wants to formally report an incident so this form lets you report it anonymously. The information you provide will be collected to help monitor the amount of incidents that take place.
The following support groups are available:
Rape Crisis National Helpline - 08088 01 03 02 Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0800 027 1234 Men's Advice Line (for men experiencing domestic abuse) - 0808 801 0327 Respect Phone Line (help for people who are abusing their partners) - 0808 802 4040 Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre - 01698 527003 Aura - 01698 757667 Shakti Women’s Aid – 0131 475 2399 Amina, The Muslim Women’s Resource Centre – 0808 801 030 Monklands Women’s Aid – 01236 432061 Motherwell and District Women’s Aid – 01698 321000 Cumbernauld and District Women's Aid – 01236 73099