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Discounts and exemptions

Property left empty by someone who has moved out to provide care or by someone who is receiving care elsewhere

This council tax exemption applies to properties left empty because the former occupant now lives elsewhere to provide personal care for someone else, or the former occupant now lives elsewhere to receive personal care from someone else.

You will need to apply for this exemption as this is not automatically granted.

Who can apply?

If you are providing care. For this exemption, ‘care’ means caring for someone who has one or more of the following conditions:

  • old age
  • disablement
  • illness
  • past or present alcohol dependence
  • past or present drug dependence
  • past or present mental health disorder

If you are receiving care:

  • A person who has moved in with someone to receive long-term care. For the exemption to be awarded the person must be absent for the whole period after the property ceased to be their sole or main residence. They may not return for weekends at home.

When you apply, we need to gather information from the person who provides the care and information about the person who receives it. We also need a confirmation letter from their doctor.

Amount of exemption you may be eligible for

100% council tax exemption inclusive of water and sewerage will apply for as long as the person responsible for paying council tax remains within the qualifying criteria.

We periodically review all exemptions and discounts to confirm eligibility.

How do I apply?

To apply for this discount, sign in or register on our Open Portal account:

Please submit the necessary supporting evidence for your application. Failure to provide the requested documentation may result in the assessment of your application being delayed or rejected. 

If you are awarded exemption and the circumstances that led to that award change, you must tell us.

Page last updated:
24 Sep 2024

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