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Discounts and exemptions

Person for whom child benefit is payable

If child benefit is still being paid for a young person aged 18 years old and over, then you may be discounted from council tax.

You will need to apply for this discount as this is not automatically granted.

Who can apply?

You may qualify for a discount to reflect the personal circumstances of the adult residents if there is any person aged 18 years and over, where child benefit is still being paid due to the young person staying in approved education or training.

Amount of discount you may be eligible for

25% discount if the above criteria is met.

We periodically review all exemptions and discounts to confirm eligibility.

How do I apply?

To apply for this discount, sign in or register on our Open Portal online account:

We need the following evidence

Proof of child benefit payment e.g. copy of payment been made into bank account or child benefit award letter.

Please submit the necessary supporting evidence for your application. Failure to provide the requested documentation may result in the assessment of your application being delayed or rejected. 

If you are awarded a discount and the circumstances that led to that discount change, you must tell us.

Page last updated:
04 Oct 2024

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