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Community Empowerment NL (Challenge Fund)

Funding for 2024/2025 now closed

Thank you to all organisations that have Expressed an Interest in Community Empowerment NL (Challenge Fund). We will contact all organisations that have submitted completed forms by early August 2024.

If you require further information at this stage, please email

This is discretionary funding to support voluntary and community organisations in North Lanarkshire. 

What is the purpose of this grant scheme?

This fund aims to support community groups in contributing to delivering North Lanarkshire’s nine Local Outcome Improvement Plans. These plans outline key priorities for each town/community board area that have been identified through a range of engagement processes and are based on the needs of local communities. 

We strongly encourage all projects to read the Local Outcome Improvement Plan for their area before they complete an Expression of Interest form.

An essential requirement of this fund is that proposals contribute towards at least one Locality Priority. Progression to the next stage of this fund will include consideration of the strength of each project idea’s fit with these priorities.

Who can apply?

To be eligible to apply for funding, the applicant must be a constituted community or voluntary organisation with their own bank account.

Organisations must be operating and delivering services or activities for the benefit of North Lanarkshire residents.

Applicant organisations must be governed by people who are elected or appointed by the members of the organisation and the organisation and membership must be open to appropriate sections of the community.

Religious organisations may apply if the focus of the project is open to all sections of the community, and it doesn’t involve the promotion of a particular faith or religious viewpoint.

Parent councils may apply for activities run by them outwith school hours and for the benefit of the wider community but not for materials for or activities to support school curricular work. Unfortunately, we are unable to support the development or upgrade of playgrounds with this fund.

Individuals, profit-distributing organisations, private clubs, political parties, Community Interest Companies and Trade Unions are not eligible to apply.

Ward allocations

To ensure the funding is shared fairly across North Lanarkshire and reflective of local community needs, £20,000 has been allocated to each ward. 

£420,000 in total is available for distribution across North Lanarkshire. 

How much can be applied for?

Each ward will have three grants available - 1 x £10,000, 2 x £5,000 awards.

Community and voluntary sector organisations can express an interest for funding once per ward only. £10,000 or £5,000 can be requested; this can be for single or multiple projects and activities.

Organisations can however submit multiple expressions of interest to different wards. Each expression of interest should be tailored to each ward, considering local need and locality priorities. Generic or duplicated applications to a number of wards will not be supported. There is no limit on the amount of wards a project/organisation can apply to.

Once all expressions of interest have been submitted, local community planning partners will consider all proposals for relevance to the local priorities and will invite organisations who closely align to the Local Outcome Improvement Plans priorities/actions/tasks to submit a full application.  

It is anticipated that multiple applications will be submitted for each ward and should this be the case, a Participatory Budgeting vote will be arranged.

For Expressions of Interest to this grant, applicants should consider both the ward in which their project resides, and the wider Locality in which the ward is based. To check the ward in which your project resides, use our Postcode Checker.

What can be funded?

This fund will support short-term/one-off revenue costs only. Core organisational running costs, such as overheads and long-term employee costs, are not eligible.  

We will however consider short or fixed-term staff and overheads where applicants can demonstrate these costs are additional to core provision.

Project start dates should be no earlier than 1 October 2024.

Costs we can consider include:

  • Start-up costs for new groups and pilot projects.
  • Purchasing equipment (small items), materials and other resources.
  • Marketing and publicity costs for funded activity and associated engagement.
  • Programme and activity costs.
  • Community Events.
  • Supporting Community Engagement and Participation - venue and equipment hire for community events, engagement tools, online engagement, improving accessibility.
  • Capacity building and training activity.
  • Undertaking community-led action projects relevant to the Local Outcome Improvement Plans.

This is not an exhaustive list, and other costs will be considered if they meet the criteria for the fund, if you are unsure, please get in touch. All relevant requests will be considered.

What can't be funded?

Grants will not be made for:

  • Capital works are not supported. This includes requests for structures, sheds, storage units, memorials and statues, and any infrastructure for example, pathways, lighting, and utilities etc.
  • Food and drink (however small amount can be requested for hospitality for events).
  • Proposals for ongoing project/service running costs.
  • Proposals for activities that conflict with the policies of the Council and our Community Planning Partners.
  • Proposals for statutory provision.
  • Proposals for retrospective funding.

What is the process for this fund?

This process will have multiple stages, incorporating Participatory Budgeting techniques and considering a proportional process relative to amount requested. To ensure community engagement works are meaningful, only wards that receive a sufficient amount of eligible bids will proceed to a full Participatory Budgeting vote.

At this stage, the process includes:

  • June/July 2024 - projects submit an Expression of Interest using an online form. This is an open call for project ideas.
  • Late July 2024 - Expression of Interest are considered by local community planning partners for eligibility and strategic fit.
  • Late July 2024 - Projects who have submitted a compelling Expression of Interest will be advised that they have progressed to the next stage of the process and invited to complete a full application form. Supporting documents will be requested at this stage.
  • Mid-August 2024 - Full applications will be checked by officers for eligibility.
  • Late August 2024 - Wards that have received sufficient applications will host Participatory Budgeting competitions. Wards that have received applications under £20,000 will have the final decision made by the local community planning partners.
  • Mid September 2024 - Award packs will be issued to successful applicants and funds transferred in full via BACs transfer.
  • October 2024 - Organisations should commence delivery of their project(s). At this stage, we are requesting full expenditure should be achieved by 31 March 2025.

Enquiries and requests for assistance?

If you have any questions or would like to request assistance, please email

Find more about the first year of Community Empowerment NL.



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Page last updated:
22 Aug 2024

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