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Trading Standards fees and charges

These fees and charges apply for 2024/25.

Animal health licences

Animal health licences
Pet Shop Licence (initial application) £161.49
Pet Shop Licence (renewal) £150.36
Zoo Licence (excluding any Zoo Inspector fee) £509.04
Animal Boarding Licence (initial application) £168.21
Animal Boarding Licence (renewal) £151.49
Animal Boarding Licence - Home Boarder (initial application) £144.80
Animal Boarding Licence - Home Boarder (renewal) £139.23
Riding Establishments Licence (initial application) - excluding vet fee £233.94
Riding Establishments Licence (renewal) - excluding vet fee £222.81
Breeding of Dogs Licence (initial application) - excluding vet fee £194.99
Breeding of Dogs Licence (renewal) £174.93
Cat Breeding (initial application) £194.99
Cat Breeding (renewal) £174.93
Rabbit Breeding (initial application) £194.00
Rabbit Breeding (renewal) £174.93
Dangerous Wild Animal Licence - 1-year licence (initial application) - excluding vet fee £222.81
Dangerous Wild Animal Licence Variation - excluding vet fee if applicable £211.68
Animal Rehoming (initial application) £144.80
Animal Rehoming (renewal) £139.23
Animal Welfare Activities (initial application) £168.21
Animal Welfare Activities (renewal) £151.49

Explosive storage (fireworks) licences

Licence to store explosives where, by virtue of regulation 27 of, and Schedule 5 to, the 2014 Regulations, a minimum separation distance of greater than 0 metres is required:

Explosive storage licences 1 - Initial application (separation distances apply)
One year licence £202.00
Two-year licence £266.00
Three-year licence £333.00
Four-year licence £409.00
Five-year licence £463.00

Licence to store explosives where, by virtue of regulation 27 of, and Schedule 5 to, the 2014 Regulations, no minimum separation distance or a 0 metres separation distance is prescribed:

Explosive storage licences 2 – Initial application (no separation distances apply)
One-year licence £119.00
Two-year licence £154.00
Three-year licence £190.00
Four-year licence £226.00
Five-year licence £260.00

Renewal of licence to store explosives where, by virtue of regulation 27 of, and Schedule 5 to, the 2014 Regulations, a minimum separation distance of greater than 0 metres is required:

Explosive storage licences 3 – Renewal (separation distances apply)
One-year licence £94.00
Two-year licence £161.00
Three-year licence £226.00
Four-year licence £291.00
Five-year licence £357.00

Renewal of licence to store explosives where, by virtue of regulation 27 of, and Schedule 5 to, the 2014 Regulations,  no minimum separation distance or a 0 metres separation distance is prescribed:

Explosive storage licences 4 – Renewal (no separation distances apply)
One-year licence £59.00
Two-year licence £94.00
Three-year licence £132.00
Four-year licence £166.00
Five-year licence £202.00
Transfer or replacement of a licence £40.00
Fireworks licence (All year round sales)  £525.00
Transfer or replacement of a licence £40.00
Fireworks licence (All year round sales)  £500.00

Petroleum storage certificates

Petroleum storage certificates
Storage certificate (not exceeding 2,500 litres) £48.00
Storage certificate (2,500 litres to 50,000 litres) £65.00
Storage certificate (exceeding 50,000 litres) £137.00
Archive petroleum records search (per hour) £72.00

Weights & Measures

Weights and measures
Weights & Measures Verifications and Testing (per hour, not including additional testing equipment) £69.00
Certificate of Accuracy £30.60

Page last updated:
26 Feb 2025

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