Have you experienced an issue with the special uplift service?
Before reporting an issue with your special uplift, please make sure:
- If you experience a technical issue, for example, if our new system does not recognise your postcode, please use report an issue button on this page, select the option 'other' and give details of the issue. We are working to fix the issue and your information will help us to do this.
- If you can't find your item, it means we don't collect it.
- Your items placed out for collection must follow our terms and conditions or they will not be uplifted and you will not be entitled to a refund. You will receive an email advising of this.
- You placed your items outside by 7am on the morning of your appointment, at the nearest point of collection for our vehicle - this is usually the closest point to the road within the boundary of your property.
- You list all the items you want removed, we only collect the items listed on your booking.
- If our crew are unable to collect the items on your scheduled day, we will automatically reschedule your booking. You will receive an email advising of this.
- If our crew can only part complete your uplift and it is our fault, we will automatically reschedule your booking. You will receive an email advising of this.