North Lanarkshire Advice Network (NLAN) is an umbrella group of advice agencies and membership is open to advice agencies operating in North Lanarkshire. The NLAN members are from a wide range of council, independent, voluntary and charitable organisations.
The NLAN members work together to share best practice and improve the quality and access to advice for residents in North Lanarkshire.
The current members of NLAN are:
- Our Team
- Airdrie Citizens Advice Bureau
- Bellshill Citizens Advice Bureau
- Coatbridge Citizens Advice Bureau
- Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Citizens Advice Bureau
- Motherwell and Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau
- Cumbernauld Poverty Action
- Barnardo's North Lanarkshire
- Home Energy Scotland
- New College Lanarkshire
- Macmillan Lanarkshire Advice Service
- North Lanarkshire Council Housing Services
- North Lanarkshire Disability Forum
- Department of Work and Pensions
- Social Security Scotland
- One Parent Families Scotland
- Sanctuary Scotland Housing Association
- North Lanarkshire Council Scottish Welfare Fund
- Shelter Scotland (North Lanarkhsire Advocacy Project)
- Ethnic Miniorities Law Centre
- Carer's Together
- Lanarkshire Carers